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What is the Alaska Transition Outcomes Project?
Often referred to as ATOP, it is a program from SERRC that provides secondary transition training for districts.
An ATOP Camp is a focused exploration that allows students in grades 8 to 12, the opportunity to explore options for life after high school.
Students will find a safe space at camp to ask questions about college, trade school, on the job training, and apprenticeships.
Typically, SERRC staff members come to your school site, and find local resources for students in the community in which they live. In the COVID-19 world, SERRC has also developed opportunities for online camps via zoom, and google classroom, in addition to the lessons provided in the student portal here on the Transition Alaska website student page.
Heidi FairbanksSkagway School hosted its first ever Transition Camp, in the fall of 2019. The SERRC Team did an amazing job at coordinating with the school and the community. They really listened to what the needs of the students were, as well as thinking outside the box when it came to worksite visits and local business owners and leaders to talk to the group of students about their future. Each day was filled with a variety of meaningful activities that have made a long lasting impact on all of the students who attended. After completing the camp, several students who initially planned on just graduating and immediately joining the workforce, expressed a desire to go to AVTEC, and college. They saw the benefits of completing high school, and gaining specialized skills in order to go after their dream job.