Assessment Database

An assessments inclusion in this list is in no way an endorsement by anyone from TransitionAlaska, this research has been completed in an effort to help you streamline selection of assessments for your students. This list only includes curriculums if there are built in assessments.

All website or download links should open in a new tab.

Prices reflected in the dropdown were pulled from the web-stores in August 2022.

Topic: Independent Living & Social Skills

Description: This informal assessment produces a profile of the student's self determination, and identifies specific goals that can be included in the IEP.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Independent Living & Social Skills

Description: A set of tools that assesses functional areas of transition, including daily living, healthy relationships, and navigating the child welfare system.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Independent Living & Social Skills

Description: This assessment will provide a student 'score' in the following areas: autonomy, self-realization, empowerment, realization and then a total self-determination score.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Independent Living & Social Skills

Description: A collection of more than 100 subtests which will allow you to assess students of all levels, which can be used as ongoing assessment of transition skills.

$319 for a kit (Test book & 20 record books),
TSI-2 test book $239.00,
Record books are $5.99 for 1,
20 record books for $99.99,
100 record books for $469.00

Assessment Type: Formal

Link: Website

Topic: Education

Description: A learning styles assessment, which will go more in-depth than students do at a typical Transition Camp.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download

Topic: Self Determination

Description: This is a free curriculum which will teach students as young as middle school to begin to develop self-determination skills.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal assessment and lessons

Link: Website

Topic: Employment

Description: This assessment rates students across 47 descriptors in job areas. It can be used to connect the student to appropriate jobs.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download

Topic: All transition domains

Description: An assessment which is created specifically for students in Alaska with transition plans. Developed by Alaskans for Alaskans. Training available here on TransitionAlaska.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Functional Skills/Independent Living

Description: This assessment can be used to determine a person's ability to perform functions of daily life. The goal of the curriculum included is to increase a students independent living skills. This can be used for students with significant disabilities.

Cost: $90.00

Assessment Type: Informal, with accompanying curriculum

Link: Website

Topic: All domains of transition

Description: This assessment is a series of 3 different assessments, which will encompass all aspects of transition. The books are available as a set, or independently for purchase.

Cost: Combo kit, $135
Employment & Career Planning, $53
Independent Living & Community Participation, $53
Post-Secondary Education & Training, $53

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: All transition domains

Description: This assessment allows a parent or guardian to rank their student across all transition domains.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download English or Spanish

Topic: Employment

Description: This assessment consists of an aptitude survey, an interest schedule, and an available Interpretation Workbook. These assessments will assist in career development for students.

Cost: $201 for a kit which includes Examiner's Manual, 10 Student Test Booklets, 50 hand-scorable Answer Sheets, 1 Sample Interpretation Workbook, 50 Student Profiles, Scoring Key Vocabulary and Computation Transparencies, and Interpretation Workbook, all in a sturdy storage box.
All pieces of the kit are also available on the website as stand alone purchases.

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Employment

Description: This assessment is a career or vocational assessment made for student who are not strong readers! Students make selections about their work preferences based on pictures.

Cost: $68.95 online or print options available.

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Employment

Description:  According to the introduction from the publication, this is a collection of prompts to help guide you and the student you are working with through their preferences.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download

Topic: All domains of Transition

Description: A workbook to allow students to work through their transition plan through a person centered approach.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download

Topic: Employment

Description: This is exactly what the title claims! A vocational inventory assessment using visuals instead of words. This assessment can be used with students with significant disabilities.

Cost: Kit to be used with 25 students, $250
Kit to be used with 100 students, $500

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Employment

Description: A personality assessment which can guide selection of appropriate work environments.

Cost: Kit $310
Refill Kit, $199
Manual or e-Manual, $87
25 Assessment Books, $74
25 Occupation Finder Books, $98
You & Your Career Workbooks (25), $61
Educational Opportunity Finders (25), $87

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Self Determination

Description: A curriculum with built in informal assessments.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download

Topic: Communication

Description: An assessment to help the team identify complex communication needs which can be used for students with significant disabilities.

Cost: $89 which includes the attainment manual & DVD

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Self Determination

Description: A curriculum and assessments to help adolescents learn to achieve their goals.

Cost: Assessment Pack, $157
A pack of 5 printed books is $52,
$73 Assessment DVD

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Employment/Education

Description: This assessment and curriculum will teach study skills to students with learning disabilities.

Cost: $39

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: Vocational/Career

Descriptions: A standardized measure of intensity needs of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Cost: Requires training. Paper or web based.
The kit is $155 and includes a users manual and 25 interview forms.
100 forms for $190
25 forms for $50
The manual is $120

Assessment: Formal

Link: Website

Topic: General Transition Planning

Description: This assessment is meant for students with significant disabilities, the assessment will work through all of the Transition Domains.

Cost: $69.95

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: All domains

Description: These are scales for all students (no matter what their ability) which assess students across all domains.

Cost: $20 for 10 assessments
$20 for 10 online score reports

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website

Topic: All transition domains

Description: A complete kit to help you transition plan for your students.

Cost: A complete kit is $363, there are add on kits for students with more signifiant disabilities.

Assessment Type: Formal & Informal

Link: Website

Topic: All domains

Description: This kit assesses a students transition to employment and independent living.

Cost: $237 for a paper based kit.

Assessment Type: Formal

Link: Website

Topic: All transition domains

Description: An online transition assessment which may also help a teacher generate goals.

Cost: $3 per student

Assessment Type: Informal, meant to track progress over time.

Link: Website

Topic: Independent Living

Description: A free checklist which allows you to assess how ready a student is for their own healthcare management.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Download

Topic: Self-determination

Description: 36 lessons and informal assessments to help students transition plan.

Cost: Free

Assessment Type: Informal

Link: Website